Toshiba original keyboard
● Replace your worn out or malfunctioning keyboard with this brand new genuine part!
Specifications: Spanish
Includes: ribbon cable (not shown in photo)
Condition: Brand new (not used or refurbished)
Warranty: 90 days
Need removal & installation instructions, including photos or diagrams? We offer them to our customers for FREE, just ask!
Portege, PS214U-D81J08Z, PS214E-98080-03, PS210C-19LK6, PS267E-4K980-BE, 2540 / 2545, PS218E-E8180-IT, PS218E-E8180-SG, PS214E-98080-PL, PS218Q-E108, PS210CF-19LK6, PS214E-98080-01, PS218CF-E81J6, PS214U-D81J08, PS210L-19LJ6, PS210U-T2CW8, PS214E-98080-IT, PS218E-E8180-NO, PS214E-98080-SW, PS155U-S6CW8Z, PS210U-T2CW8B, PS210S-S2CW8, UE2005P01KB-SP, 4090, PS218E-E8180-SP, 4030, PS214U-D81J08B, PS210U-S2CW8, PS267E-4K980-PT, PS218E-E8180-G3, PS214C-980J6, PS214E-98080-SF, PS267E-4K980-G3, 2100 / 2105, Satellite, PS267E-4K980-SW, PS210U-S6CW8, PS155U-S6CW8B, PS218E-E8180-GR, PS267E-4K980-SG, PS214E-98080-NO, PS214E-98080-SP, PS267E-4K980-SC, 2510 / 2515, PS267E-4K980-DU, 8000, 4010 / 4015, PS267L-4K906, PS218E-E8180-SW, PS210C-08F3P, PS218E-E8180-FR, 4060, PS218Q-E8108, 7010, PS218U-E81J08Z, Tecra, PS218E-E8180-DK, PS218E-E8180-DU, PS218E-E8180-PL, PS267E-4K980-01, PS267U-4K9J0KZ, PS214E-98080-SG, PS218C-E81J6, PS210U-S6CW8B, PS214E-98080-EN, PS267E-4K980-FR, 1555, PS210L-199J6, PS267U-4K9J0K, 4020 / 4025, 2520, PS218U-E81J08B, PS214E-98080-FR, PS210C-199K6, PS214U-D81J0T, PS218E-E8180-BE, 2500 / 2505, PS210CF-199K6, PS214Q-98008, PS214E-98080-SC, PS218E-E8180-EN, PS210S-T2CW8, PS267Q-4K908, PS214L-98006, PS267E-4K980-DK, PS267E-4K980-EN, PS155U-S6CW8, 2590 / 2595, PS214E-98080-DK, PS218L-E8106, PS214E-98080, 7020, PS210Q-19LJ8, 4070, PS210U-T2CW8Z, PS214E-98080-BE, PS267E-4K980-GR, PS267E-4K980-SF, PS218E-E8180-SC, 2180, 2675, PS214CF-980J6, PS267E-4K980-IT, PS218E-E8180-PT, PS214E-98080-G3, PS218E-E8180-01, PS267E-4K980-SP, PS210Q-199J8, PS214E-98080-DU, 4080 / 4085, PS218E-E8180-SF, PS210U-S2CW8B, PS267E-4K980-NO, PS210U-S6CW8Z, PS218E-E8180-02, PS267U-4K9J0KB, 2140, PS210U-S2CW8Z, 7000, PS214E-98080-PT, PS218U-E81J08, PS214E-98080-GR, 2530 / 2535, PS267E-4K980-PL